
Last updated: 5/10/23


[1]    Sherali, H.D., Smith, J.C., and Adams, W.P., “Reduced First-Level Representations Via the Reformulation-Linearization Technique:  Results, Counter-Examples, and Computations,” Discrete Applied Mathematics, 101(1), 247-267, 2000.

[2]    Sherali, H.D., Smith, J.C., and Lee, Y., “Enhanced Model Representations for an Intra-Ring Synchronous Optical Network Design Problem Allowing Demand Splitting,” INFORMS Journal on Computing, 12(4), 284-298, 2000.

[3]    Sherali, H.D., Smith, J.C., Trani, A.A., and Sale, S., “National Airspace Sector Occupancy and Conflict Analysis Models for Evaluating Scenarios Under the Free-Flight Paradigm,” Transportation Science, 34, 321-336, 2000.

[4]    Sherali, H.D., Smith, J.C., and Selim, S.Z., “Convex Hull Representations of Models for Computing Collisions Between Multiple Bodies,” European Journal of Operational Research, 135(3), 514-526, 2001.

[5]    Sherali, H.D., Smith, J.C., “Improving Zero-One Model Representations Via Symmetry Considerations,” Management Science, 47(10), 1396-1407, 2001.

[6]    Sherali, H.D., Smith, J.C., and Trani, A.A., “An Airspace Planning Model for Selecting Flight-Plans Under Workload, Safety, and Equity Considerations,” Transportation Science, 36(4), 378-397, 2002.

[7]    Smith, J.C., “A Genetic Algorithm Approach to Solving a Multiple Inventory Loading Problem,” International Journal of Industrial Engineering, 10(1), 7-16, 2003.

[8]    Baker, K. and Smith, J.C., “A Multiple-Criterion Model for Machine Scheduling,” Journal of Scheduling, 6, 7-16, 2003.

[9]    Smith, J.C., “Algorithms for Distributing Telecommunication Traffic on a Multiple-Ring SONET-based Network,” European Journal of Operational Research, 154(3), 659-672, 2004.

[10]  Elshafei, M., Sherali, H.D., and Smith, J.C., “Radar pulse interleaving for multi-target tracking,” Naval Research Logistics, 51(1), 72-94, 2004.

[11]  Smith, J.C., Schaefer, A., and Yen, J., “A Stochastic Integer Programming Approach to Solving a Synchronous Optical Network Ring Design Problem,” Networks, 44(1), 12-26, 2004.

[12]  Mofya, E.C. and Smith, J.C., “The Optimal Deployment of Filters to Limit Forged Address Attacks in Communication Networks,” Lecture Notes on Computer Science, 3073, 239-251, 2004. 

[13]  Smith, J.C. and Jacobson, S.J., “An Analysis of the Alias Method for Discrete Random-Variate Generation,” INFORMS Journal on Computing, 17(3), 321-327, 2005.

[14]  Lunday, B.J., Smith, J.C., and Goldberg, J.B., “Algorithms for Solving the Conditional Covering Problem on Paths,” Naval Research Logistics, 52(4), 293-301, 2005.

[15]  Sherali, H.D. and Smith, J.C., “A Class of Web-Based Facets for the Generalized Vertex Packing Problem,” Discrete Applied Mathematics, 146(3), 273-286, 2005.

[16]  Horne, J.A. and Smith, J.C., “A Dynamic Programming Algorithm for the Conditional Covering Problem on Tree Graphs,” Networks, 46(4), 186-197, 2005.

[17]  Horne, J.A. and Smith, J.C., “Dynamic Programming Algorithms for the Conditional Covering Problem on Path and Extended Star Graphs,” Networks, 46(4), 177-185, 2005.

[18]  Sherali, H.D. and Smith, J.C., “Interleaving Two-Phased Jobs on a Single Machine with Application to Radar Pulse Interleaving,” Discrete Optimization, 2(4), 348-361, 2005.

[19]  Lim, C., Bearden, J.N., and Smith, J.C., “Sequential Search with Multi-Attribute Options,” Decision Analysis, 3(1), 3-15, 2006.

[20]  Sherali, H.D. and Smith, J.C., “A Polyhedral Study of the Generalized Vertex Packing Problem,” Mathematical Programming, 107(3), 367-390, 2006.

[21]  Smith, J.C., Fraticelli, B.M.P, and Rainwater, C., “A Bracket Assignment Problem for the NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament,” International Transactions in Operational Research, 13(3), 253-271, 2006.

[22]   Mofya, E.C. and Smith, J.C., “Exact and Heuristic Algorithms for Solving the Generalized Minimum Filter Placement Problem,” Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 12(3), 231-256, 2006.

[23]   Armbruster, B., Smith, J.C., and Park, K., “The Optimization of Packet Filter Placements to Combat Distributed Denial of Service Attacks,” European Journal of Operational Research, 176(2), 1283-1292, 2007.

[24]   Lim, C. and Smith, J.C., “Algorithms for Discrete and Continuous Multicommodity Flow Network Interdiction Problems,” IIE Transactions, 39(1), 15-26, 2007.

[25]   Sherali, H.D. and Smith, J.C., “An Improved Linearization Strategy for Zero-One Quadratic Programming Problems,” Optimization Letters, 1(1), 33-47, 2007.

[26]   Smith, J.C., Lim, C., and Bearden, J.N., “On the Optimality of a Threshold Policy for a Multi-attribute Stopping Problem with General Value Functions,” Operations Research Letters, 35(3), 324-330, 2007.

[27]   Smith, J.C., Lim, C., and Sudargho, F., “Survivable Network Design Under Optimal and Heuristic Interdiction Scenarios,” Journal of Global Optimization, 38(2), 181-199, 2007.

[28]   Smith, C.M., Smith, J.C., Williams, S.K., Rodriguez, J.J., and Hoying, J.B., “Accurate Volumetric Measurements of Vasculature Using Confocal Microscopy and Image Processing,” Journal of Microscopy, 225(3), 244-257, 2007.

[29]  Ragle, M.A., Smith, J.C., and Pardalos, P.M., “An Optimal Cutting-Plane Algorithm for Solving the Non-Unique Probe Selection Problem,” Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 35(11), 2023-2030, 2007.

[30]  Garg, M. and Smith, J.C., “Models and Algorithms for the Design of Survivable Networks with General Failure Scenarios,” Omega, 36(6), 1057-1071, 2008.

[31]  Andreas, A.K., Smith, J.C., and Küçükyavuz, S., “A Branch-and-Price-and-Cut Algorithm for Solving the Reliable h-paths Problem,” Journal of Global Optimization, 42(4), 443-466, 2008.

[32]  Andreas, A.K. and Smith, J.C., “Mathematical Programming Algorithms for Two-Path Routing Problems with Reliability Constraints,” INFORMS Journal on Computing, 20(4), 553-564, 2008.

[33]  Lopes, L., Aronson, M., Carstensen, G., and Smith, J.C., “Optimization Support for Senior Design Project Assignments,” Interfaces, 38(6), 448-464, 2008.

[34]  Andreas, A.K. and Smith, J.C., “Decomposition Algorithms for the Design of a Non-simultaneous Capacitated Evacuation Tree Network,” Networks, 53(2), 91-103, 2009.

[35]  Smith, J.C., “Organization of a College Baseball Tournament,” IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, 20(2), 213-232, 2009.

[36]  Smith, J.C., Henderson, D., Ortega, A., and DeVoe, J., “A Parameter Optimization Heuristic for a Temperature Estimation Model,” Optimization and Engineering, 10(1), 19-42, 2009.

[37]  Mofya, E.C. and Smith, J.C., “Algorithms for the Generalized Minimum Filter Placement Problem on Tree Structures,” INFORMS Journal on Computing, 21(2), 322-332, 2009.

[38]  Sherali, H.D. and Smith, J.C., “Two-Stage Stochastic Risk Threshold and Hierarchical Multiple Risk Problems:  Models and Algorithms,” Mathematical Programming, 120(2), 403-427, 2009.

[39]  Henderson, D. and Smith, J.C., “An Exact Reformulation-Linearization Technique Algorithm for Solving a Parameter Extraction Problem Arising in Compact Thermal Models,” Optimization Methods and Software, 24(4-5), 857-870, 2009.

[40]  Taskin, Z.C., Smith, J.C., Ahmed, S., and Schaefer, A.J., “Cutting Plane Algorithms for Solving a Robust Edge-Partition Problem,” Discrete Optimization, 6, 420-435, 2009.

[41]  Smith, J.C., Lim, C., and Alptekinoglu, A., “Optimal Mixed-Integer Programming and Heuristic Methods for a Bilevel Stackelberg Product Introduction Game,” Naval Research Logistics, 56(8), 714-729, 2009.

[42]  Taskin, Z.C., Smith, J.C., Romeijn, H.E., and Dempsey, J.F., “Optimal Multileaf Collimator Leaf Sequencing in IMRT Treatment Planning,” Operations Research, 58(3), 674-690, 2010.

[43]  Penuel, J., Smith, J.C., Yuan, Y., “An Integer Decomposition Algorithm for Solving a Two-Stage Facility Location Problem with Second-Stage Activation Costs,” Naval Research Logistics, 57(5), 391-402, 2010.

[44]  Hartman, J.C., Büyüktahtakın, İ.E., and Smith, J.C., “Dynamic Programming Based Inequalities for the Capacitated Lot-Sizing Problem,” IIE Transactions, 42(12), 915-930, 2010.

[45]  Shen, S., Smith, J.C., and Ahmed, S., “Expectation and Chance-constrained Models and Algorithms for Insuring Critical Paths,” Management Science, 56(10), 1794-1814, 2010.

[46]  Hemmati, M. and Smith, J.C., “Finite Optimal Stopping Problems:  The Seller’s Perspective,” Journal of Problem Solving, 3(2), 72-95, 2011.

[47]  Behdani, B., Yun, Y., Smith, J.C., and Xia, Y., “Decomposition Algorithms for Maximizing the Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Networks with Mobile Sinks,” Computers and Operations Research, 39(5), 1054-1061, 2012.

[48]  Sherali, H.D. and Smith, J.C., “Higher-Level RLT or Disjunctive Cuts Based on a Partial Enumeration Strategy for 0-1 Mixed-Integer Programs,” Optimization Letters, 6(1), 127-139, 2012.

[49]  Taskın, Z.C., Smith, J.C., and Romeijn, H.E., “Mixed-Integer Programming Techniques for Decomposing IMRT Fluence Maps Using Rectangular Apertures,” Annals of Operations Research, 196(1), 799-818, 2012.

[50]  Smith, J.C., Ulusal, E., and Hicks, I.V., “A Combinatorial Optimization Algorithm for Solving the Branchwidth Problem,” Computational Optimization and Algorithms, 51(3), 1211-1229, 2012.

[51]  Sherali, H.D. and Smith, J.C., “Dynamic Lagrangian Dual and Reduced RLT Constructs for Solving 0-1 Mixed-Integer Programs,” TOP, 20(1), 173-189, 2012.

[52]  Shen, S. and Smith, J.C., “Polynomial-Time Algorithms for Disconnecting Trees and Series-Parallel Graphs under Component Connectivity Metrics,” Networks, 60(2), 109-119, 2012.

[53]  Tighe, P.J., Smith, J.C., Boezaart, A.P., and Lucas, S.D., “Social Network Analysis and Quantification of a Prototypical Regional Anesthesia and Perioperative Pain Medicine Service,” Pain Medicine, 13(6), 808-819, 2012.

[54]  Shen, S., Smith, J.C., and Goli, R., “Exact Interdiction Models and Algorithms for Disconnecting Networks via Node Deletions,” Discrete Optimization, 9(3), 172-188, 2012.

[55]  Penuel, J., Smith, J.C., and Shen, S., “Models and Complexity Analysis for the Graph Decontamination Problem with Mobile Agents,” Networks, 61(1), 1-19, 2013.

[56]  Shen, S. and Smith, J.C., “A Decomposition Approach for Solving a Broadcast Domination Network Design Problem,” Annals of Operations Research, 210(1), 333-360, 2013.

[57]  Prince, M., Smith, J.C., and Geunes, J., “Designing Fair 8- and 16-team Knockout Tournaments,” IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, 24(3), 321-336, 2013.

[58]  Yun, Y., Xia, Y., Behdani, B., and Smith, J.C., “Distributed Algorithm for Lifetime Maximization in Delay-Tolerant Wireless Sensor Network with Mobile Sink,” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 12(10), 1920-1930, 2013.

[59]  Behdani, B., Smith, J.C., and Xia, Y., “The Lifetime Maximization Problem in Wireless Sensor Networks with a Mobile Sink:  MIP Formulations and Algorithms,” IIE Transactions, 45(10), 1094-1113, 2013.

[60]  Prince, M., Smith, J.C., and Geunes, J., “A Three-Stage Procurement Optimization Problem Under Uncertainty,” Naval Research Logistics, 60(5), 395-412, 2013.

[61]  Prince, M., Geunes, J., and Smith, J.C., “Procurement Allocation Planning with Multiple Suppliers under Competition,” International Journal of Production Research, 51(23-24), 6900-6922, 2013.

[62]  Sullivan, K.M., Smith, J.C., and Morton, D.P., “Convex Hull Representation of the Deterministic Bipartite Network Interdiction Problem,” Mathematical Programming, 145(1-2), 349-376, 2014.

[63]  Sullivan, K.M., Morton, D.P., Pan, F., and Smith, J.C., “Securing a Border under Asymmetric Information,” Naval Research Logistics, 61(2), 91-100, 2014.

[64]  Tadayon, B. and Smith, J.C., “Algorithms for an Integer Multicommodity Network Flow Problem with Node Reliability Considerations,” Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 161(2), 506-532, 2014.

[65]  Hemmati, M., Smith, J.C., and Thai, M.T., “A Cutting-plane Algorithm for Solving a Weighted Influence Interdiction Problem,” Computational Optimization and Applications, 57(1), 71-104, 2014.

[66]  Buyuktahtakin, I.E., Smith, J.C., Hartman, J.C., and Luo, S., “Parallel Asset Replacement Problem under Economies of Scale with Multiple Challengers,” The Engineering Economist, 59(4), 237-258, 2014.

[67]  Behdani, B. and Smith, J.C., “An Integer-Programming-Based Approach to the Close-Enough Traveling Salesman Problem,” INFORMS Journal on Computing, 26(3), 415-432, 2014.

[68]  Sullivan, K.M. and Smith, J.C., “Exact Algorithms for Solving a Euclidean Maximum Flow Network Interdiction Problem,” Networks, 64(2), 109-124, 2014.

[69]  Romich, A., Lan, G., and Smith, J.C., “Optimizing Placement of Stationary Monitors,” IIE Transactions, 47(6), 556-576, 2015.

[70]  Tadayon, B. and Smith, J.C., “Algorithms and Complexity Analysis for Robust Single-Machine Scheduling Problems,” Journal of Scheduling, 18(6), 575-592, 2015.

[71]  Buke, B., Smith, J.C., and Thomas, S.A., “On a Random Walk Reliability Problem with Arc Memory,” Networks, 66(1), 67-86, 2015.

[72]  Acevedo, M.A., Sefair, J.A., Smith, J.C., and Fletcher, Jr., R. J., “Conservation with uncertainty: Identifying Protection Strategies under Worst-Case Disturbance Events,” Journal of Applied Ecology, 52(6), 1588-1597, 2015.

[73]  Sonuc, S.B., Smith, J.C., and Hicks, I.V., “A Branch-and-Price-and-Cut Method for Computing an Optimal Bramble,” Discrete Optimization, 18, 168-188, 2015.

[74]  Romich, A., Lan, G., and Smith, J.C., “A Robust Sensor Covering and Communication Problem,” Naval Research Logistics, 62(7), 582-594, 2015.

[75]  Hemmati, M. and Smith, J.C., “A Mixed-Integer Bilevel Programming Approach for a Competitive Prioritized Set Covering Problem,” Discrete Optimization, 20, 105-134, 2016.

[76]  Tang, Y., Richard, J.-P.P., and Smith, J.C., “A Class of Algorithms for Mixed-Integer Bilevel Min-Max Optimization,” Journal of Global Optimization, 66(2), 225-262, 2016.

[77]  Sefair, J. and Smith, J.C., “Dynamic Shortest-Path Interdiction,” Networks, 68(4), 315-330, 2016.

[78]  Curry, R.M. and Smith, J.C., “A Survey of Optimization Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Network Lifetime Maximization,” Computers and Industrial Engineering, 101, 145-166, 2016.

[79]  Lozano, L. and Smith, J.C., “A Backward Sampling Framework for Interdiction Problems with Fortification,” INFORMS Journal on Computing, 29(1), 123-139, 2017.

[80]  Lozano, L., Smith, J.C. and Kurz, M.E., “Solving the Traveling Salesman Problem with Interdiction and Fortification,” Operations Research Letters, 45(3), 210-216, 2017.

[81]  Lozano, L. and Smith, J.C., “A Value-Function-Based Exact Approach for the Bilevel Mixed Integer Programming Problem,” Operations Research, 65(3), 768-786, 2017.

[82]  Taskın, Z.C. and Smith, J.C., “Branch-Cut-Price Algorithms for Solving a Class of Search Problems on General Graphs,” Networks, 70(1), 4-18, 2017.

[83]  Sefair, J. A., Smith, J.C., Acevedo, M.A., and Fletcher, Jr., R.J., “A Defender-Attacker Model and Algorithm for Maximizing Weighted Expected Hitting Time with Application to Conservation Planning,” IISE Transactions, 49(12), 1112-1128, 2017.

[84]  Sefair, J. and Smith, J.C., “Exact Algorithms and Bounds for the Dynamic Assignment Interdiction Problem,” Naval Research Logistics, 64(5), 373-387, 2017.

[85]  Buyuktahtakin, I.E., Smith, J.C., Hartman, J.C., “Partial Objective Inequalities for the Multi-Item Capacitated Lot-Sizing Problem,” Computers and Operations Research, 91, 132-144, 2018.

[86]  Curry, R.M. and Smith, J.C., “Models and Algorithms for Semicontinuous Maximum Flow Problems,” IISE Transactions, 50(6), 484-498, 2018.

[87]  Holzmann, T. and Smith, J.C., “Solving Discrete Multi-objective Optimization Problems using Modified Augmented Weighted Tchebychev Scalarizations,” European Journal of Operational Research, 271(2), 436-449, 2018.

[88]  Holzmann, T. and Smith, J.C., “The Shortest Path Interdiction Problem with Arc Improvement Recourse: A Multiobjective Approach,” Naval Research Logistics, 66(3), 230-252, 2019.

[89]  Smith, J.C., and Song, Y., “Network Interdiction: Theory, Applications, and Emerging Challenges,” European Journal of Operational Research, 283(3), 797-811, 2019.

[–]    Smith, J.C., “In Memoriam: Shabbir Ahmed (1969–2019),” INFORMS Journal on Computing, 31(4), 633-635, 2019.

[90]  Lozano, L., Bergman, D., and Smith, J.C., “On the Consistent Path Problem,” Operations Research 68(6), 1913-1931, 2020.

[91]  Holzmann, T. and Smith, J.C., “The Shortest Path Interdiction Problem with Randomized Interdiction Strategies: Complexity and Algorithms,” Operations Research, 69(1), 82-99, 2021.

[92] Nguyen, D. and Smith, J.C., “Network Interdiction with Asymmetric Cost Uncertainty,” European Journal of Operational Research, 297(1), 239-251, 2022.

[93] Lozano, L. and Smith, J.C., “A Binary Decision Diagram Based Algorithm for Solving a Class of Integer Two-Stage Stochastic Programs,” Mathematical Programming, 191(1), 381-404, 2022.

[94] Curry, R.M. and Smith, J.C., “Minimum-cost Flow Problems Having Arc-activation Costs,” Naval Research Logistics, 69(2), 320-335, 2022.

[95]  Curry, R.M. and Smith, J.C., “An Augmenting-flow Algorithm for a Class of Node-capacitated Maximum Flow Problems,” Networks, 80(1), 109-122, 2022.

[96] Nguyen, D., Song, Y., and Smith, J.C., “A Two-Stage Interdiction-Monitoring Game,” Networks, 81(3), 334-358, 2023.

[97] Bochkarev, A.A. and Smith, J.C., “On Aligning Non-order-associated Binary Decision Diagrams,” INFORMS Journal on Computing, 35(5), 910-928, 2023.

[98] Nguyen, D. and Smith, J.C., “Asymmetric Stochastic Shortest-Path Interdiction Under Conditional Value-at-Risk,” 56(4), 398-410, IISE Transactions, 2024.


[99] Bochkarev, A.A. and Smith, J.C., “Monte Carlo Tree Search for Dynamic Shortest-Path Interdiction,” revision submitted.